Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Crossed the Finish Line!

I can't believe it, I actually made it through the entire 9 weeks of 23 things! There were a few times I became discouraged by some of the more challenging "Things," but somehow I muddled my way through. Overall I enjoyed this learning exercise and discovered many useful online tools that I otherwise probably wouldn't have discovered on my own. The most useful tool I used was Zoho. It's amazing and I never knew it was out there waiting for me. I know I feel more computer savvy then I did when I started. I would differently participate again in a similar experience I love learning new things.

OverDrive Collection - Digital Media

I'm already familiar with OverDrive, but since I don't really enjoy listening to audiobooks I've never downloaded a book. For this exercise I decided to give downloading a try, but I quickly got discouraged because numerous patrons were already on a waiting list for the titles I wanted to try. I noticed that Swine Not? by Jimmy Buffet was enhanced which grabbed by attention. I learned that the word enhanced next to a title meant accompanied by supplemental material provided by the published. In this case it was an added PDF ebook...not too exciting. It is however a wonderful service for our many patrons who loved this media format.

Podcast Discoveries

I explored Podcast Alley. Interesting, but I don't think I'll be using it in the near future. However it would be a great promotional and marketing tool for the Library.


I really enjoyed exploring YouTube. I've received clips in emails and seen spots highlighted on the news but this was my first exploration foray. I'm sharing a short one that reminds me of fun in Key West.
